What Depression Feels Like

What Depression Feels Like

What Depression Feels Like Depression is a serious and life-altering illness that can affect every aspect of your life. While everyone feels sad once in a while, depression is different from sadness. Sadness is one aspect of depression, and you can’t just snap out of...
5 Facts About Students’ Mental Health

5 Facts About Students’ Mental Health

5 Facts About Students’ Mental Health 1. Anxiety is the top mental health concern among students closely followed by depression. According to the American PsychologicalAssociation, about 41% of students suffer from anxiety disorders, and about 36%suffer from...
Life After Depression

Life After Depression

Life After Depression Finding your way back to “Normal” In the world of recovery from depression there isn’t a “back to normal” blueprint to follow. Depression can often leave stains in our lives that we are left to somehow “soak” in hopes of removing or whitening the...
The Mental Health Taboo among African Americans

The Mental Health Taboo among African Americans

The Mental Health “Taboo” among African Americans No Shame in Seeking Therapy Campaign In the African American communities, therapy is often viewed as a service “for the crazy people”. African Americans have had a history of suppressing their pain and praying their...
The Journey of Grief

The Journey of Grief

The Journey of Grief Processing your Loss  The separation from or the loss of a loved one is a difficult journey to process. Grief is not only associated with the death, it can also be due to divorce, job loss, or separation from a friend. Loosing someone significant...