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Anxiety in Men
Anxiety in Men He was sitting behind his desk at work and his chest started to feel like bricks were piling up on top of it; he was sweating, experiencing shortness of breath, and had a headache. Furthermore, he hadn't had a good night's sleep in weeks. He sat there...
The Day I lost my 3 a.m. Friend
The Day I lost my 3 a.m. Friend... Some days I wake up feeling like I can conquer the world, then fate throws me a curve ball. I often catch it, but sometimes I miss. When I lose, my courage wavers and I begin to feel unworthy, hopeless and anxious. If I consider...
I Didn’t know I was depressed
I Didn't know I was depressed Christopher's steps were pronounced when he walked he dragged his feet and his gaze was sporadic. He had no enthusiasm, didn't care for friends, and he had bags under his eyes. Christopher's childhood was spent in a home where his name...
Anxiety: Commonly Unperceived Factors
Anxiety: Commonly Unperceived Factors Anxiety disorders are recognized as the leading mental health illness in the United States, yet only 36 percent of the American population diagnosed with anxiety receives treatment. Do you wonder why this occurs? Anxiety disorders...
THE BREAKUP Dear Anxiety: I remember the first time I met you; I was confident, determined and carefree. You appeared out of nowhere, as if you were lurking in the background, waiting for the chance to take advantage of me. I was introduced to you by a family member...
What’s There to Be Anxious About?
What's There to Be Anxious About? I sat across from her watching her squirm in agony. Several people tried to help her, but she refused to let them help. I could tell she was embarrassed. She curled into a fetal position in her seat and hung her head low. The flight...
Anxious and Hiding
Anxious and Hiding Just one glance and you would be mesmerized by his tall stature, his deep voice and his confidence. After one conversation you would want to learn more about him. His stare was intense and inviting, and he was jovial. I approached him and introduced...
I’m Afraid to Feel!
I'm Afraid to Feel! Close your eyes, take a deep belly breath, exhale! As simple as these instructions may sound, they are not always that easy for so many individuals who suffer with anxiety to follow. Many of us avoid our feelings because they scare us, cause...
your body will rebel
your body will rebel! Think of something that recently made you upset. Where do you feel it in your body? Many of us have stopped living inside of our bodies because we are afraid of feeling. Instead, we live in our minds where negativity and distortion dominate. Your...
What is Anxiety
What is Anxiety I like to think of anxiety as a red flag-a sign that I have lost my ability to control the outcome of a situation. Researchers define anxiety as an emotion associated with intense feelings, worrisome thoughts, extreme apprehension, or fear. Anxiety...
Signs of Depression
Signs of Depression How does someone go from being happy and hard-working to sad, sluggish, and distant? How does someone who was once so lively and energetic lose their energy and motivation? Does this sound like you or someone you know? Feeling sad sometimes is...
Seasonal Depression
Seasonal Depression The onset of the fall and winter months brings with it a lot of excitement. Everyone readily anticipates the arrival of Thanksgiving and Christmas, but there is also something else that can come with these events - seasonal affective disorder....
Your Anxiety is Real
Your Anxiety is Real What happens when you don’t recognize your anxiety problem or just accept as just a normal part of your life? Maybe you don’t see yourself as someone with a real mental illness, and maybe you think that the nervous feelings you get in social...
Emotional Freedom
Emotional Freedom I’ll admit I was a bit skeptical at first. It all seemed too easy. I wondered how something that has caused me so much stress and anxiety could be relieved just by tapping and repeating a phrase. My initial intensity was about a seven out of ten;...
5 Common Mental Health Myths
5 Common Mental Health Myths 1. Medication is the only way to treat a mental health issue. While some people who suffer from mental health illnesses do require medication to manage their symptoms, medication is only one part of the equation. Therapy is also an...
Understanding Your Anxiety
Understanding Your Anxiety Anxiety is a common mental illness that results in extreme feelings of worry, fear, and self-doubt. Anxiety can be caused by a variety of experiences and events in a person’s life; some people may even have a genetic disposition for this...
What Depression Feels Like
What Depression Feels Like Depression is a serious and life-altering illness that can affect every aspect of your life. While everyone feels sad once in a while, depression is different from sadness. Sadness is one aspect of depression, and you can’t just snap out of...
5 Facts About Students’ Mental Health
5 Facts About Students’ Mental Health 1. Anxiety is the top mental health concern among students closely followed by depression. According to the American PsychologicalAssociation, about 41% of students suffer from anxiety disorders, and about 36%suffer from...
Life After Depression
Life After Depression Finding your way back to “Normal” In the world of recovery from depression there isn’t a “back to normal” blueprint to follow. Depression can often leave stains in our lives that we are left to somehow “soak” in hopes of removing or whitening the...
The Mental Health Taboo among African Americans
The Mental Health “Taboo” among African Americans No Shame in Seeking Therapy Campaign In the African American communities, therapy is often viewed as a service “for the crazy people”. African Americans have had a history of suppressing their pain and praying their...
The Journey of Grief
The Journey of Grief Processing your Loss The separation from or the loss of a loved one is a difficult journey to process. Grief is not only associated with the death, it can also be due to divorce, job loss, or separation from a friend. Loosing someone significant...
Understanding Substance Abuse
Understanding Substance Abuse “The opposite of addiction is connection… -Johann Harri” I often thought of addiction as something that one could overcome if they simply “put their mind to accomplishing it”. I used to assume that one’s desire to fulfil their addictive...
Pursuing Peace with an Anxious Mind
Pursuing Peace with an Anxious Mind how to cope with anxiety Finding peace within your life can be difficult when dealing with anxiety. Anxiety can be a very normal emotion to experience when dealing with a stressful life event or situation. It’s the signal in our...
ADHD WITH DEPRESSION Understanding how ADHD can impact Depression When most people think of someone diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (adhd) they are probably picturing a child who has an immense amount of energy who requires constant redirection...